Generic RU486- Obliterate Your Pregnancy In Secure Way

Medical termination is one of the easiest processes in which women can stick to have a termination. This process is performed easily with the help of termination pills and also this is the suggested method to have termination. Women to terminate the 9 weeks of unwanted gestation order Abortion Pills online as less gestation period creates less complication to the health of women. Successful termination of pregnancy is not only possible with surgical termination but also with medical termination. These pills are one of the best options as they can be used easily at home corners to terminate the pregnancy.

RU486 is the Abortion Pill used to terminate a pregnancy, this pill contains Mifepristone as an active ingredient that helps to terminate the pregnancy safely. This pill is used alone as well as in combination which leads to safe termination of pregnancy. 

Use Of Mifeprex Alone

To have a termination with this pregnancy termination pill alone you need to make sure that you gulp 3 pills of this medicine. This medicine helps to block the pregnancy hormones that are responsible for the survival of pregnancy. This pill first will separate the fetus from the uterus and then it will lead to contraction of the uterus so that the fetus gets expelled. 

Use Of Mifeprex In Combination

If you are using this gestation-ending pill in combination then you need to gulp one pill of this medicine and then use four pills of Misoprostol to have a termination. Generic RU486 one pill should be consumed first so that it can help to break the lining of the uterus and separate the fetus from the uterus. After 24-48 hours you need to gulp Misoprostol pill which helps to contract the uterus so that fetus can get expelled. 


After you purchase Mifepristone online, then you need to make sure that you have an ultrasound test after 14 days of termination. Sometimes these Abortion Pills can result in incomplete termination and it is necessary that you have an ultrasound test so that you can conclude the termination results.

Side Effects

  • Bleeding, cramping, and clotting are usually noticed which helps to know that termination is going on and there are the symptoms that usually occur while having a termination. 
  • Other than this some of the rare and serious side effects that you can notice are nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and diarrhea which can sometimes get worse and require treatment.


Generic RU486 online is restricted for use if the women have a medical issue related to liver, kidney, heart, uterine rupture, and intestinal infection. This Abortion Pill should not be used by women who are allergic to any of the ingredients of this termination pill. The age of the woman and gestation period should meet the criteria so that you can have a termination.


This Abortion Pill reacts with many medicines hence you are suggested that you not use any of the medicine that reacts with this termination pill. You also need to make sure that you do avoid indulging in physical labor. Also, you have to avoid the intake of alcohol so that you can avoid having the side effects of these medicines.


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